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Research Folio

Artist Statement

I am interested in flowers, but my works are not an artistic representation of botanical life, it is rather about the flower itself. For me, flowers are not still life, but rather living beings, hence, they may encounter the same experiences that we encounter, and that is what I try to show you. Therefore, in my paintings, I magnify the parts of the flower that are of interest to me. For example, the reproductive parts or the way petals meet and part. Georgia O’keeffe’s works have an influence on my practice, and what interests me in her work, is the way she mixes colour and the soft brush strokes that yet give a strong feeling.


Generally, I use oil in my work because of its history and value, since the masters have used it during the Renaissance, and therefore it gives great value to the work. My studio work is to some extent experimental and it involves investigating material such as modelling paste, wax, resin, Turkish coffee, latex and pigment. I mix the material to create recipes, which I would then mix with oil paint and see which effect, look and feel it communicates. Before I start painting I mix the surface with a shade of acrylic colour to set-up the mood for the painting. My work varies between large paintings, 3D objects and miniatures, I do so in an attempt to make the work interesting and engaging. Miniature paintings have a history and were popular during the renaissance but have diminished from the 20th century onward and that is why I like it.


My sketches are from life flowers; which help me capture the character of the flower; and my work is informed by life flowers, photos or simply my imagination.


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